Friday, May 28, 2010

Can you say, 100% totally angry? Cause that's what i feel right now. Am i excited that this is the last week. Oh yeah!!! I am not one to stay stagnant in one place for very long so i'll be happy to move on to the next best thing. I had a lot of trouble in this class. I don't think that my writing skills have improved for the better, i think their pretty much the same. I'll work harder on upping my skills for the next class. What i don't understand is that writing is my forte, and i didn't do well AT ALL, but math is NOT my forte, and im passing with a 98 , aced!!! so what's up with that? Well i can honestly say that i did have fun in the class and i'll miss all of you, like i said in my last post on here.... I wish you nothing but the best in all your up and coming classes.. Toodles. and i'll see you on the flipside!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Wow guys.. nearing the end of our term together here in comp. Hopefully i'll see you in future classes. I wish each and everyone of you nothing but the best. I'll keep writing more on my story so feel free to drop by anytime. Right now, i'm afraid, i just have so much going on in each class that i haven't had time catch up on my story. No worries, i will! It gets much much worse from here on out! :) Good luck guys. and i'll see ya on the flipside!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Keri and I finished our pizza and looked at each other. "You wanna give it another try". I asked her. "Yeah sure, it's not gonna work anyway". she replied. We went downstairs to my room and sat on the bed staring at the board we then lay it across our laps again and placed the eye in the middle. We said "hello, is anybody there?" I looked up at Keri and said "we really need to believe in this or it's not gonna work, concentrate okay?" she looked at me with this look of boredom across her face and said in a sleepy tone "yup, okay". After a few minutes of sitting there the eye moved, it actually moved! We were so startled that we both jerked our fingers off of it and said at the same time "You moved it! no I didn't, you did!" "Okay, relax" i said to Keri. The eye started to move really slow at first, then it picked up speed and started to move real fast. We didn't realize what it was spelling until Keri said "Paul, It just spelled out Paul". "Are you sure that's what it spelled?" I asked. She nodded. So we started talking to Paul and Paul started talking back. I asked him if his name was Paul and he spelled YES, i asked him who he was and why he was here, why was he contacting us. He said he was one of my guardian angels and he was always trying to contact me. We talked to paul for what seemed like forever, writing down everything he was spelling (when he wasn't going to fast). After about 2 hours Paul decided he was done shootin the breeze and put the eye over GOODBYE. One thing we would find out in the next couple weeks is that they are terrible spellers and would abruptly say goodbye whenever they wanted. We put the board away for the night and looked at each other in amazement of the major contact we had just made with the other side. Little did we know......

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Nothing but love.....

I just had to share, this is the first song my fiance ever dedicated to me. Everytime i hear it, i fall in love with him all over again! This song is for anyone who feels that way about another person.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

We both fell back to sleep again later on so when we woke up we both looked like death warmed over. We both had matching bags under our eyes and felt like we weighed 2000 pounds. "So... how'd ya sleep?" Iasked rolling my eyes. "Fine, once i finally fell back to sleep, did you end up falling back to sleep or did you lay there all night?" she asked. "Yeah, i just woke up, i think i just fell out a little bit ago, what time is it anyway?" I asked. "Whoa, it's almost noon and i'm totally starvin. I came over here yesterday before i even had some of my mom's famous christmas dinner." Keri said. "Excellent idea my dear Watson, lets get some grub." I said headin for the steps to the kitchen. We always had nicknames for each other, if i was Holmes then she was Watson, if i was Bill then she was Ted, if i was the Captain then she was Spock. Once day she asked me why couldn't she ever be the front runner and i just smiled and said "Isn't it obvious?" She gave me her usual response for my smarcasm (a word i coined combining smartass with sarcasm), she gave me the finger. We headed upstairs to the kitchen to see what we could make. "Where is everybody?" I asked. "Here's a note, says they've gone to grandma's for dinner and they didn't want to wake us up, we looked to peaceful." Keri said. "Awww, and they didn't wake us up because we looked to peaceful? What a crock! They are not hearing the end of this one!" I snapped. Keri smiled and opened the freezer and fridge at the same time and just stood there and stared at the contents. "Do you want me to grab my polaroid camera so you can take a picture, hang it on the fridge and make a decision?" I said smarcastically. "Shut up, i can't make up my mind. It looks like chicken nuggets or pizza" she said. "Serve me up some pizza wench!" I said laughing. "What do i look like?" she asked. "The pizza wench, what else?" I said still laughing at Keri's expense. I always got a lot of laughs at Keri's expense, she was always less than amused and i always received her standard answer... the finger. That's why she was my best friend, she knew how to take me and my sick sense of humor.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Cardboard Demons

I stared at her for a minute trying to make heads or tails of what i was looking at, and to make sure i wasn't dreaming. I got up and knealt down beside her, put my hand on her shoulder and whispered "Keri, are you okay?" Her head snapped back in my direction until we were face to face. Her breath was as hot as fire and smelled like rotten meat and her eyes looked like two pieces of coal, deep set into her skull and they seemed to look straight through me. She moved quick, to quick for me to know it was coming and grabbed me by the throat and squeezed just enough to get my attention. She stared into my eyes for a minute and said in a deep voice "Leave it alone!" She stood up in one movement, like a board rising off the floor and since she still had me by the throat, she took me with her. Blood started pouring out of her mouth and eyes, down her shirt and onto the floor. I stared in horror at what i was seeing, I started punching and kicking but it was as if i were fighting a brick wall with pillows. I tried to scream but no sound came out. She or should i say IT squeezed harder and just when i felt like i was about to pass out it dropped me on the floor. I lay there on the floor choking and coughing, trying to get my breath back when i looked up and she was standing over me, learing at me with huge black eyes, It put it's face so close to mine that i could feel it's hot breath on my cheek. Drops of blood were falling onto my face, i could feel it running down my cheek, it was still warm. It stared at me for what seemed like an eternity and finally said in a deep menacing voice "Leave it alone, or suffer the same!" After a moment i found my voice and started screaming at the top of my lungs for my mom and dad. I felt two hands shaing me by the shoulders and i just kept screaming, i wouldn't open my eyes. "HEY!!! Open your eyes, your fine, everythings fine" It was Keri, she was standing over me with a very concerned look on her face. I pushed her away and got up to run but she was holding onto me. "Rene, wake up!!" she yelled. I sat back down and stopped screaming long enough for her to tell me that she woke up to go to the bathroom and it looked like i was having a nightmare so she thought she would wake me up. I got up and pulled her up and looked for blood on her shirt and on the floor, there was none. "Oh my god, a nightmare? Thank god! You have no idea Keri" I said still trying to calm down. Over the next half hour i told her all about the dream, rather the nightmare that i had had. I told her how real it all was, how i could smell her breath and that her eyes were black as all hell! "You should have seen yourself Keri, your eyes and your voice, I would know you anywhere and that thing was not you!" I told her. "Wow, it sounds messed up, of course it wasn't me, i would never grab you by the throat, i know your weak spot is your knee!" she said smiling. "I'm serious Keri, i have never felt so scared in all my life." I said a little annoyed by her comment. "I'm sorry, what was i saying anyway?" She asked. "You said to leave it alone, then you said leave it alone or suffer the same." I said. "Suffer the same what?" she asked. "I don't know, all i do know is it's 3 am and i am not going back to sleep anytime soon, wanna watch something? Nothing scary though, something funny, i'm not in the mood for scary anymore tonight!" I said uneasily. "Sure, how about Mommy Dearest, you love that movie." she said. "Perfect Keri, that sounds perfect." I said, exhaling and trying to relax. But i couldn't shake the dream, it stayed with me for the rest of the night, like a weight on my chest making it difficult to breath. I just lay there on the couch and waited for the sun to rise....

Monday, April 12, 2010

Cardboard Demons

Who doesn't love a great scary story? Sitting around the campfire with friends and family telling good old fashioned ghost stories. How about sleep over's with your best friends trying to scare each other half to death. Stories designed to be all in good fun right? The tale i am about to tell you is just such a story with one small difference, It happened. Now with every great scary story are elements of fiction mixed in with the non fiction, this story is no exception. Which part of the story is a figment of my imagination and which part is very real. That my friend, is for you to decide.....

The year is 1987, I'm 13 years old and it's christmas morning. My family and I are gathered around the tree while my father does his "santa thing". Handing presents to my brother and sister who look as if they could jump out of their skin if not given another gift soon. I, on the other hand could care less about what was going on around me. If the gift didn't contain lots of money or a bunch of hair spray then i wasn't interested.. That is, until my mother handed me my next present. It was a flat rectangular box with shiny paper that had small santa's all over it. I tore open the package in hopes that the box was full of money so i could go to the mall with my friends later that week. When i peeled back the last of the paper it revealed not money, but a game.... a ouija board.
I looked up at my mom who was smiling back at me "I had one when i was younger and it was always lots of fun" she said. "Thanks mom, it's real cool" I said but in my mind i was cursing the gift "A stupid game? you should have just got me candyland or something like that." Like most 13 year olds, i was an ungrateful brat, I can admit that now that i'm older.
After cleaning up the remnants of the now christmas past i went into my room, locked the door and called my best friend Keri. As always she answered the phone "Merry Christmas!!" she said merrily. "Hey it's me, whatchu doin?" i asked. "Hey girl, not much, just being bored i guess. What did you get good this christmas?" she asked "A bunch of crap, my mother got me a tape of Bachman Turner Overdrive, never even heard of em, I asked for money or hair spray and i got oldies music, nice huh? What about you? Get anything good?"I asked. "The same you did, nothing i asked for. My mom got me a sweater with a christmas tree on it, and it really lights up, where the hell am i gonna wear that? OH and I got some bright green stretch pants to match it!" she said "Sounds totally sexy" i said "OH! I did get something out of the ordinary" "What a sweater with a reindeer on it? Then we can match while we get our asses beat" she said "Yuck no, my mother knows better, I got a ouija board" I said. "Oh my god!! Why didn't you tell me taht first" she screamed. "I'm on my way over, were totally trying this baby out" she yelled. I hung up the phone and went upstairs to wait for Keri. Keri lived about 7 houses down from me and was over everyday, holiday or any other day. We were best friends and did everything together. I looked out my front window and could see her riding up the driveway, couldn't miss her, she was wearing a light up christmas tree sweater and a pair of matching green stretch pants.


She parked her bike up against the garage and walked into the breezeway door. We had a little hallway full of windows that connected the garage door to the backdoor, we called it a breezeway. there were four doors off the breezeway, the entrance door into the breezeway, the door to the garage, the backdoor into the house and the door leading to the backyard. The back porch was a cement slab under a pavilion, my father had just painted the slab a hideous shade of green, i guess to try and match the shade of the grass, it didn't. It looked more like the porch had been hosed down with pea soup vomit, it was awful. We had 2 acres in the backyard with woods all the way in the back. Sometimes deer would come out of the woods and venture toward the house but never stayed for long. We had a tool shed, and one of those big wooden swingsets for my sister and brother to play on. There was a huge old oak tree next to the swing set, it had to be over 50 feet tall! The plan was to cut it down and make more room for, whatever my father thought we needed more room for. He never cut it down, said he couldn't bring himself to do it, he said that it deserved it's own little corner of the world as well, so he hung a tire swing from it. On the other side of the yard was our pool, an underground that was encased in a wooden privacy fence. We spent many happy days playing in that pool, i had a lot of fun doing cartwheels off the diving board into the 10ft of water in the deep end. Every child within a mile of our house and all my friends would spend hours in that pool, now it was drained and covered with a protective tarp with over five feet of snow on it. It looked sad and lonely in anticipation of the warmer months, that made two of us. I opened the door for Keri and started laughing hysterically "you know, you've worn some sexy stuff in the past but this one really does you justice!" She flipped me the finger and slugged me in the arm "shut up, my mom wanted to see it on me" she barked "well i love it, i think she picked out the perfect outfit and if you wear it in the dark.... you'll always see where your going!" I said still laughing at her. "Come on down to me room and we'll check this thing out" i said pulling on her sweater.


My room was in the basement, it was a finished basement with a living room, a bathroom and a huge storage room with laundry room. It looked like a little apartment, that i didn't have to pay for. :) Both the bathroom and the storage room's had doors on them so i could close them off from the living room. There was also a pool table with a top for ping pong, something my friends and i did on a daily basis. My father had my room built in the basement so i could have some privacy from my brother and sister who were 9 and 10 years younger than me. Before the room in the basement, i shared with my sister, rachael and what 13 years old wants to share a room with a four year old? Not this one. So my dad suprised me with my very own room, the best present i could ever receive. I loved my room, when i didn't have friends over i spent my time in there. I had a flimsy cheap brass vanity that was starting to tarnish from all the hairspray that had fallen on it. I was an aspiring hairdresser so i did my friends hair everytime they came over, i even had a nickname "The hairspray queen". I would tell them "Honey, we can strap you to the hood of a ford, and it ain't movin!" In the corner was my little nook where i had shoved my bed, it was like a bay window, without the window. My walls were plastered with posters of Johnny Depp from 21 jump street, Bill and Ted's excellent adventure, New kids on the block( everybody has their thing) and what i thought at the time to be "Hot guy" posters, just random guys pointing at stuff looking hot. There was a closet under the stairs where i threw all my stuff when i was supposed to be cleaning my room, it was chaos in there, I loved it! It was my own personal paradise. Keri opened the door to my room and plopped down on the bed, it was her place of choice. I went to the closet and pulled out the box. I tossed it on the bed in front of her and she smiled and gave a little giggle. "Well, what do ya think? Should we try this baby out?" I said. "What do you think? I went out in public in a christmas tree sweater to get over here to check this out. Lets do it!" She said. It seemed like a good idea, at the time.....


We both sat on the floor, crossed our legs and tucked our feet under our knees. We took the board out of the box and lay it across our laps. I took out the funny triangle shaped whatchamacallit that we called the eye (we would find out later that it was called a planchette) and placed it in the middle of the board. "Now what?" I asked Keri, " I think were supposed to put our fingertips on this thing really lightly, barely touch it." She replied. So we did, we touched our fingers as lightly as we could to the eye and waited. "Is there anyone here?" I asked. "Yeah, you and me" said Keri snickering. "Come on, be serious, we have to believe it or it won't work" I said like a t.v. evangalist. We both closed our eyes and waited for any kind of movement, nothing happened, only still silence. So we gave up for the night, put the board away and headed out into the living room to turn to the t.v. for something to do. "Oh! theres a great movie on tonight!" said Keri, " Whats that?" I asked. She smiled and raised her eyebrows in an ooh-la-la fashion and said "witchboard" She said smiling. "Funny, and suprisingly fitting, maybe we'll learn something," I said. We didn't learn anything that night, we just fell asleep watching a great movie. When i woke up the basement was pitch black, everything was silent, even the air seemed to stand still. I squinted against the darkness trying to see anything familiar. When my eyes began to adjust to the darkness i sae Keri, a few feet away from me lying on the floor. Her body was twisted grotesquely, her eyes were stuck in a wide eye'd stare, and they were fixed right on me. Her mouth was wide open, as if in some frozen scream. She looked as if something scared her to death....